Midjourney Architecture Prompts

92 Midjourney Architecture Prompts for Stunning Design Concepts

The world of architecture is an ever-evolving and fascinating realm, where creativity and innovation know no bounds. As designers and artists, we’re constantly seeking inspiration and pushing the limits of our imagination.

One incredibly effective way to spark your creative juices is by using midjourney architecture prompts. These prompts challenge you to explore new combinations of styles, architects, and photography techniques, ultimately leading to the creation of unique and mesmerizing design concepts.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the art of crafting the perfect midjourney architecture prompt and explore how blending different elements can give rise to awe-inspiring designs.

How to build effective
Midjourney architecture Prompts

Start with Architecture Style:

Begin by selecting an architectural style that resonates with you or the project you’re working on. This will serve as the foundation for your Midjourney prompt, setting the tone and character for your design. Familiarize yourself with various architectural styles, from the classic Gothic and Romanesque to the more modern Art Deco and Brutalism, to find the one that best aligns with your vision.

For the purposes of this demonstration, I will use an architecture style that will always put a smile on your face, and by that I mean of course: Brutalism!

a house Brutalist architecture 02304383 da29 405d 961b d20953c6f8c2

Brutalist Style

Brutalism is a style of architectural design that includes the use of solid cement blocks and shapes with few windows. The go-to architectural style for friendly sadists everywhere!

/imagine a house, brutalist architecture, --ar 3:2
Shane Robot

Let’s Explore the Latent Spaces Together

Whether you’re just beginning your journey or an experienced AI filmmaker, we provide the tools, tips and resources to help you explore new artistic dimensions together with our synthetic collaborators.

Define the view (exterior or interior):

Decide whether you want to focus on the exterior or interior of a structure. Each offers its unique set of challenges and opportunities for creative expression. Exteriors often emphasize the building’s overall form, façade, and relationship to its surroundings, while interiors focus on spatial organization, functionality, and the user’s experience within the space.

a house Brutalist architecture exterior d5496e8b bbb5 41c5 839c 7e1723663f08

Exterior View

Shows the structure’s exterior view and its relationship with the environment.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, exterior --ar 3:2 
a house Brutalist architecture interior 6542f808 a06e 4369 bbe0 f8bffd54bf3a

Interior View

Shows the structure’s internal view within the space, including spatial organization and functionality.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, interior --ar 3:2 

Define the type of rendering:

Choose the appropriate rendering technique to bring your concept to life. There are several types of renderings, each with its unique advantages and characteristics.

a house Brutalist architecture exterior 3d cgi visualiza b927409e dcfa 429a ab6c 277d476b895d

3D CGI Visualization

This technique uses computer-generated imagery to create photorealistic representations of architectural designs. It allows for high levels of detail and precision, making it an ideal choice for showcasing complex structures and materials.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, exterior, 3d cgi visualization --ar 3:2
a house Brutalist architecture exterior architecture pho 4e73ec9f 05bb 4d04 85e2 c021b36d8566

Architecture Photography

With this approach, you can capture the essence of a design through the lens of a camera, focusing on composition, lighting, and perspective. This is an excellent method for showcasing real-life projects and their relationship with their environment.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, exterior, architecture photography --ar 3:2
a house Brutalist architecture exterior concept sketch 1ccf42f9 63c5 47f2 afa1 8bbb17096801

Concept Sketch

A hand-drawn or digital sketch is perfect for quickly conveying the initial concept of a design. This method emphasizes the creative process and allows for rapid iteration and refinement of ideas.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, exterior, concept sketch --ar 3:2
Kitto a house Brutalist architecture architectural blueprint 3723ff14 a06b 407d b292 3b6cce3d5f18


Blueprints are technical drawings that display the architectural plans of a building, including floor plans, elevations, and sections. This type of rendering is crucial for communicating the functional and structural aspects of a design to builders and engineers.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, architectural blueprint --ar 3:2
a house Brutalist architecture aerial rendering 417c4d56 b974 4792 b912 24eb712bb8c8

Aerial Rendering

This type of visualization provides a bird’s-eye view of a project, allowing you to see how the design interacts with its surroundings and the overall layout of the site.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, aerial rendering --ar 3:2
a house Brutalist architecture section rendering 569102ee f301 4810 80ec 242036c39e08

Section Rendering

Section renderings are a cut-through view of a building, revealing the relationships between different spaces, levels, and structural elements.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, section rendering --ar 3:2
a house Brutalist architecture floor plan f3dcf169 61d1 4ba4 9171 8948621d90c5

Floor Plan

Floor plans are essential for understanding the spatial organization, circulation, and overall layout of a design. They provide a top-down view of each level of a building, showing walls, doors, windows, and other architectural features.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, floor plan --ar 3:2

Add any styles by specific architects:

Delve deeper into the world of architecture by incorporating the styles of renowned architects into your prompt. This will not only challenge your creative skills but also expose you to new design approaches and philosophies. Study the works of famous architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, and Zaha Hadid to understand their design principles and stylistic signatures.

a house Brutalist architecture architecture photography d0159cba fbf8 4c6b beb5 9e3fe8471437

Le Corbusier Style

Le Corbusier

/imagine prompt:a house, Brutalist architecture, architecture photography, le corbusier style --ar 3:2 

Add any photography styles by specific architecture photographers:

Finally, consider integrating the photography styles of famous architecture photographers into your prompt. This will enable you to explore the aesthetic side of architecture and learn how different photographers approach their craft.

a house Brutalist architecture architecture photography d4921bd8 90a6 4f1e bb45 be191e2af9d0

Ezra Stoller Photography

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, architecture photography, le corbusier style, Photographed by Ezra Stoller --ar 3:2 

Experiment by blending different architecture styles

Combining various architectural styles, eras, environments, references, architects, and photographers can lead to the birth of truly one-of-a-kind design concepts. By blending these elements, you challenge yourself to think outside the box and create a unique design language that sets your work apart from others. Don’t be afraid to mix traditional styles with modern touches or experiment with unusual combinations – you never know what hidden gems you might discover in the process.

a house Fauvist Brutalist architecture infused with the 0f5b3a72 005c 4bee af6a 1cf805844a9b

Fauvist Brutalism

A fusion of Fauvism and Brutalism which pairs bold, vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes of Fauvist painting with the Brutalist architecture style.

/imagine a house, Fauvist Brutalist architecture, infused with the bold, vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes of Fauvist painting, architecture photography --ar 3:2
a house Fauvist Brutalist architecture infused with the f6336f66 a3f1 49d3 a40d 5f8ad5facf64

Fauvist Brutalism, Le Curbusier Style, Photographed by Ezra Stoller

/imagine a house, Fauvist Brutalist architecture, infused with the bold, vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes of Fauvist painting, architecture photography, le corbusier style, Photographed by Ezra Stoller --ar 3:2

Add a setting or environment

A crucial aspect of any architectural design is its relationship with the surrounding environment or setting. Whether it’s a bustling urban landscape, a serene rural village, or a pristine natural retreat, the context in which your design is situated plays a significant role in shaping its form, function, and aesthetic.

When crafting your midjourney architecture prompt, consider adding a specific setting or environment to explore how your design concept can adapt and respond to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by its location. By doing so, you will not only create a more contextually relevant design but also push your creative boundaries as you navigate the interplay between built form and the world around it.

Kitto a house in a lush jungle Fauvist Brutalist architecture d23a5fde f423 4540 bf00 3e737626576d

In a Jungle

/imagine a house in a lush jungle, Fauvist Brutalist architecture, infused with the bold, vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes of Fauvist painting, architecture photography, le corbusier style, Photographed by Ezra Stoller --ar 3:2
a house in a desert Fauvist Brutalist architecture infus 58bf83c2 3808 477a b51b 7174a3a74dd3

In a Desert

/imagine a house in a desert, Fauvist Brutalist architecture, infused with the bold, vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes of Fauvist painting, architecture photography, le corbusier style, Photographed by Ezra Stoller --ar 3:2
a house in an urban setting Fauvist Brutalist architectu b516461c b01e 4c1f b52c 04533a930c3a

In an Urban Setting

/imagine a house in an urban setting, Fauvist Brutalist architecture, infused with the bold, vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes of Fauvist painting, architecture photography, le corbusier style, Photographed by Ezra Stoller --ar 3:2

100 Essential Midjourney Prompts
for Architectural Design

Now that you have a deeper understanding of what goes into crafting an effective midjourney architecture prompt, you’re ready to embark on a creative journey of your own. To help you get started, we’ve prepared an extensive list of 100 captivating prompts designed to ignite your imagination and stimulate your design prowess. So, prepare to dive headfirst into the mesmerizing world of architecture and let your creativity soar to new heights.

30 Architectural Style Prompts

These prompts are just a starting point, but they can help you think about your architecture project in new and creative ways. They may also help you to come up with new and innovative solutions to problems, and inspire you to create something truly unique and original. Remember to always keep an open mind and be willing to think outside the box when it comes to your architecture projects.

a house Gothic architecture exterior architecture photog 95e76611 e38f 47ac 81bf cdb75698baad

Gothic Style

Pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, often used in cathedrals and churches, creating a sense of height and grandeur.

/imagine a house, Gothic architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Renaissance architecture exterior architecture p 9258a5d9 bc78 483a 90fe 0fd32ccc1dc6

Renaissance Style

Inspired by classical Greek and Roman styles, focusing on symmetry, proportion, and ornamentation, found in palaces, churches, and civic buildings.

/imagine a house, Renaissance architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Baroque architecture exterior architecture photo 76d78fc0 41c6 40c3 a315 c96789d49260

Baroque Style

Dramatic, ornate, and theatrical designs, often incorporating sculpture and painting, used in churches, palaces, and public buildings.

/imagine a house, Baroque architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2  
a house Neoclassical architecture exterior architecture 9b9ef571 9a1a 4e6d 995f 9464d050d85d

Neoclassical Style

A revival of classical Greek and Roman styles, emphasizing simplicity, balance, and proportion, often used for public buildings and monuments.

/imagine a house, Neoclassical architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Roman architecture exterior architecture photogr 415a14d7 f86e 42c3 936e da1534acaa88

Roman Style

Utilized arches, vaults, and concrete to create grand structures like the Colosseum, aqueducts, and bathhouses.

/imagine a house, Roman architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Modernist architecture exterior architecture pho 5b5a994e b097 40d5 871f 7cfa14af8c7b

Modernist Style

Simplified, functional designs with minimal ornamentation, often incorporating new materials and technology, used in homes, offices, and public buildings.

/imagine a house, Modernist architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Classical greek architecture exterior architectu f754b4fe 00f9 4fbf b161 a3826d40a46e

Classical Greek Style

Characterized by symmetry, proportion, and decorative columns, often found in temples, theaters, and public buildings.

/imagine a house, Classical greek architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Art deco architecture exterior architecture phot 1656ef26 8c29 42cc 9b90 5d0721c5af92

Art Deco Style

Bold, geometric designs with streamlined shapes, often incorporating modern materials, used in skyscrapers, theaters, and public buildings.

/imagine a house, Art deco architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Bauhaus architecture exterior architecture photo 0204162b 89e5 4603 ab25 3e6a9c192755

Bauhaus Style

Characterized by its functional, minimalist design, with a focus on clean lines, geometric shapes, and the use of modern materials, emphasizing the unity of form and function.

/imagine a house, Bauhaus architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Art nouveau architecture exterior architecture p 28d2e18d d485 4289 8b78 d212d1c7a6c2

Art Nouveau Style

Flowing, organic designs with curved lines, inspired by natural forms, used in homes, commercial buildings, and decorative arts.

/imagine a house, Art nouveau architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house International architecture exterior architecture 95ba96e2 d789 4067 99e8 1f4ad83dafee

International Style

Sleek, functional designs with an emphasis on horizontal and vertical lines, often using glass, steel, and concrete, found in skyscrapers and modern buildings.

/imagine a house, International architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Ancient Egyptian architecture exterior architect aec329a2 090d 4ab8 8a71 9475da9ffd26

Ancient Egyptian Style

Massive stone structures with intricate carvings and hieroglyphics, used primarily for tombs and temples.

/imagine a house, Ancient Egyptian architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Georgian architecture exterior architecture phot 790f60f8 93b7 49b4 8e49 7d1e8ebdb305

Georgian Style

Refined and symmetrical designs, often with classical elements, found in townhouses and country estates.

/imagine a house, Georgian architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Brutalist architecture exterior architecture pho c99446dc 3cbc 43a6 9ef1 038f11cabef5

Brutalist Style

Brutalism is a style of architectural design that includes the use of solid cement blocks and shapes with few windows.

/imagine a house, Brutalist architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Byzantine architecture exterior architecture pho f52cbe45 693d 49dc 96e4 d9b0351b2ca8

Byzantine Style

Known for domes, mosaics, and ornate decorations, often found in churches and religious buildings.

/imagine a house, Byzantine architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Romanesque architecture exterior architecture ph ea1bdaab 9a1d 404c 8616 3456bfed3174

Romanesque Style

Rounded arches, thick walls, and simple, sturdy designs, often seen in churches, castles, and fortifications.

/imagine a house, Romanesque architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2 
a house Arts and crafts architecture exterior architectu 5bd7d4a2 6ad3 472f b27f dd0e9e69e886

Arts & Crafts Style

Simple, functional designs, often with handmade details and natural materials, used for homes, furniture, and decorative arts.

/imagine a house, Arts and crafts architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Postmodern architecture exterior architecture ph 551f008e a593 43e0 8fa1 db463286fa2a

Postmodern Style

Characterized by its playful, eclectic approach, often combining diverse materials, historical references, and unconventional forms to challenge traditional design conventions and create visually striking structures.

/imagine a house, Postmodern architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2 --seed 123
a house Prairie school architecture exterior architectur 4882aaa1 3793 4a9a 8391 a868cbe0e797

Prairie School Style

Marked by its emphasis on horizontal lines, flat or hipped roofs with broad overhanging eaves, and integration with the surrounding landscape, inspired by the expansive flatness of the American Midwest.

/imagine a house, Prairie school architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Colonial revival architecture exterior architect 3eaeb3f9 501f 4729 8cb9 98002514a4b1

Colonial Revival Style

Characterized by symmetrical façades, gabled roofs, and classical detailing, reflecting the architectural traditions of early American settlers.

/imagine a house, Colonial revival architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Greek revival architecture exterior architecture c664f052 8b76 44ce af8d 66ddd40104bc

Greek Revival Style

Features prominent columns, pediments, and a focus on symmetry, drawing inspiration from ancient Greek temples.

/imagine a house, Greek revival architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Tudor revival architecture exterior architecture b33d6619 67b4 4b33 80e4 0603cecda826

Tudor Revival Style

Emulates medieval English architecture with its steeply pitched roofs, half-timbering, and tall, narrow windows, often arranged in groups.

/imagine a house, Tudor revival architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Rococo architecture exterior architecture photog 025730fd d3fc 42bd b44c 3bb126886895

Rococo Style

Elaborate and ornamental, with delicate curves, pastel colors, and intricate details, often found in palaces and mansions.

/imagine a house, Rococo architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Victorian architecture exterior architecture pho 0702a0f5 4e78 4f6b a7cb db690b7106ff

Victorian Style

Known for its ornate detailing, asymmetrical facades, and elaborate decorative elements, reflecting the eclecticism and prosperity of the Victorian era.

/imagine a house, Victorian architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Beaux Arts architecture exterior architecture ph 386a6c5e 06f5 4a5a a813 1fab2abfafda

Beaux-Arts Style

Grand and highly ornamented, incorporating classical Greek and Roman elements, often found in public buildings and monuments.

/imagine a house, Beaux-Arts architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2 --seed 123
a house Queen Anne architecture exterior architecture ph 7c79e451 e7ff 448e 8030 6838685adfb5

Queen Anne Style

Elaborate and asymmetrical designs with towers, turrets, and ornamental details, often used for Victorian-era homes.

/imagine a house, Queen Anne architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house American craftsman architecture exterior archite 93939c00 6ac8 4ab6 91c3 438537d5cf6c

American Craftsman Style

Emphasizes handcrafted details, natural materials, and a strong connection to the surrounding environment

/imagine a house, American craftsman architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Minimalist architecture exterior architecture ph 71ebc6fe fdf9 4b93 9284 fa2935b367b9

Minimalist Style

Focuses on simplicity, clean lines, and the use of basic geometric shapes to create functional, uncluttered spaces.

/imagine a house, Minimalist architecture, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2

20 Architect Prompts

a house designed by frank lloyd wright exterior architec 2551dc5d 90c2 4f3e aca8 c0b406bd9441

Frank Lloyd Wright

Known for his Prairie School style, Wright’s designs emphasize organic architecture that blends with nature and uses local materials.

/imagine a house, designed by frank lloyd wright, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by le corbusier exterior architecture p fec61124 4e8f 44e9 96f7 99f6874b9704

Le Corbusier

A pioneer of modern architecture, Le Corbusier’s style is marked by the use of raw concrete, functionalist principles, and geometric forms.

/imagine a house, designed by le corbusier, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by ludwig mies van der rohe exterior ar c30645e9 5618 4498 8125 2a2fb99fa3ca

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Mies is renowned for his minimalist approach to architecture, characterized by clean lines, open spaces, and the use of glass and steel.

/imagine a house, designed by ludwig mies van der rohe, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by i.m. pei exterior architecture photo 2397e317 3033 43da 9fd7 30cf94eceda7

I. M. Pei

Pei’s style often features geometric forms, bold shapes, and the innovative use of materials like glass and concrete.

/imagine a house, designed by i.m. pei, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by zaha hadid exterior architecture pho 87c501e6 13f7 4cdc aaab c7677eb8a351

Zaha Hadid

Hadid’s designs are marked by flowing, sculptural forms, and the use of advanced technology to create unique, futuristic spaces.

/imagine a house, designed by zaha hadid, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by rem koolhaas exterior architecture p 794636a1 604e 4fc2 8255 982b26979d8e

Rem Koolhaas

Koolhaas’ work often challenges conventional architectural norms, employing asymmetry, unusual materials, and thought-provoking concepts.

/imagine a house, designed by rem koolhaas, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Antoni Gaudi exterior architecture p 00e1add5 eee6 49c9 bf5f 1c13a7506375

Antoni Gaudí

Gaudí’s architecture is known for its organic shapes, ornate detailing, and the use of colorful mosaic tiles, as seen in his Catalan Modernism style.

/imagine brutalist house in the jungle, 
a house designed by louis sullivan exterior architecture 9bbee737 4ae7 46dc a384 5bc149f80f07

Louis Sullivan

Known as the “father of skyscrapers,” Sullivan’s style features decorative ornamentation and a focus on vertical lines, reflecting the importance of function and form.

/imagine brutalist house in the jungle, 
a house designed by oscar niemeyer exterior architecture 533727b3 0fd4 4e1a 99b5 3618afbaf949

Oscar Niemeyer

Niemeyer’s designs are characterized by their bold, sculptural shapes and the use of reinforced concrete, often inspired by the curves of Brazil’s landscape.

/imagine a house, designed by oscar niemeyer, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Philip Johnson exterior architecture 5b410d80 dbdd 450e aaa8 fc19172668dc

Philip Johnson

Johnson’s work ranges from International Style minimalism to Postmodern designs that play with historical forms and ornamentation.

/imagine a house, designed by Philip Johnson, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Alvar Aalto exterior architecture ph 3fd3d4ec b560 47b6 bdea 166156035014

Alvar Aalto

Known for his functionalist style, incorporating natural materials and organic forms that respond to the surrounding environment.

/imagine a house, designed by Alvar Aalto, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2 
a house designed by Santiago Calatrava exterior architec 2e2d54fb 00e2 4f1f a217 fbb165a64c66

Santiago Calatrava

Recognized for his sculptural, structural forms that combine engineering and architecture to create expressive, dynamic designs.

/imagine a house, designed by Santiago Calatrava, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Renzo Piano exterior architecture ph 0d4cf058 cd7c 43f9 b38c aba78829ed37

Renzo Piano

Renowned for his lightweight, transparent structures that emphasize adaptability and sustainability.

/imagine a house, designed by Renzo Piano, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Richard Rogers exterior architecture 3d3c311f eb76 40f5 8665 0ea9e39c9b65

Richard Rogers

Celebrated for his high-tech architecture, featuring bold, flexible structures that reveal their structural and mechanical systems.

/imagine a house, designed by Richard Rogers, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Buckminster Fuller exterior architec 6b166a1c bb64 488a 86fb 5e1d1c93daa2

Buckminster Fuller

Famed for his innovative, futuristic designs that prioritize efficiency and sustainability, particularly his iconic geodesic domes.

/imagine a house, designed by Buckminster Fuller, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Norman Foster exterior architecture 3f163c7d 98a7 4959 bdef b3289dc51b4a

Norman Foster

Known for his sleek, technologically advanced designs that incorporate green principles and energy efficiency.

/imagine a house, designed by Norman Foster, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Jean Nouvel exterior architecture ph 2d7ee8a6 2ffc 4634 a320 7d1213a2c2b2

Jean Nouvel

Recognized for his contextual approach to architecture, creating structures that respond to their unique cultural and environmental settings.

/imagine a house, designed by Jean Nouvel, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Frank Gehry exterior architecture ph ac61cbaf 24db 4c4c 9f38 161cb9e64282

Frank Gehry

Renowned for his deconstructivist style, featuring bold, sculptural forms that challenge conventional architectural norms.

/imagine a house, designed by Frank Gehry, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Peter Zumthor exterior architecture 3bd45aff 65ae 48cb b23d 519048ddee63

Peter Zumthor

Celebrated for his minimalist, tactile designs that evoke a sense of place and engage the senses.

/imagine a house, designed by Peter Zumthor, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house designed by Tadao Ando exterior architecture pho eceda46b 0bb2 4413 b0a4 92faf86932f1

Tadao Ando

Known for his modernist, minimalist style that highlights the use of natural light, raw materials, and the interplay between interior and exterior spaces.

/imagine a house, designed by Tadao Ando, exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2

15 Architecture Photographer Prompts

a house Photographed by Julius Shulman 367a3836 8c84 43d8 baec 9d9f6cc295db

Julius Shulman

Famous for capturing the essence of mid-century modern architecture with his meticulously composed, striking images.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Julius Shulman, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Iwan Baan 9554e49f 304a 4860 969d bf4c6c123ae0

Iwan Baan

Renowned for his candid, documentary-style photographs that showcase architecture’s impact on people and their environments.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Iwan Baan, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Ezra Stoller 5420cdd7 bf22 4d03 abad b855ebb9b139

Ezra Stoller

Known for his crisp, precise architectural photographs that emphasize form, texture, and the interplay of light and shadow.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Ezra Stoller, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Helene Binet fe3a1280 4efe 4a16 a08c 95b34b9be815

Hélène Binet

Celebrated for her poetic, black-and-white images that explore the abstract qualities of architectural forms and materials.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Hélène Binet, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Balthazar Korab d99cfbe3 74c2 4ab0 b21f 54bf4a4dffbf

Balthazar Korab

Recognized for his dynamic, atmospheric images that capture the spirit of modernist architecture.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Balthazar Korab, --ar 3:2 
a house Photographed by Fernando Guerra aa8091b2 d9ec 4961 a652 326b02325e59

Fernando Guerra

Famed for his vibrant, striking photographs that highlight the relationship between architecture and its context.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Fernando Guerra, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Hufton Crow f9441d5f b4fc 4eee b412 81d8861f6670

Hufton + Crow

Acclaimed for their collaborative approach, producing visually engaging images that showcase the unique aspects of contemporary architecture.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Hufton + Crow, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Roland Halbe 3aae8cd9 75d0 43df 93d5 870f870a72fa

Roland Halbe

Known for his clean, graphic architectural photography that emphasizes the power of composition and detail.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Roland Halbe, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Tim Griffith 1eb825cd 4466 4366 8cc4 76fc1076569b

Tim Griffith

Renowned for his evocative, large-scale images that explore the dramatic qualities of light in architectural spaces.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Tim Griffith, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Estudio Flagrante 22454f05 90cb 41b9 aadc 11467a987342

Estúdio Flagrante

Celebrated for their collaborative work, capturing architecture in a way that emphasizes narrative, mood, and atmosphere.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Estúdio Flagrante, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Luc Boegly 5c1c2c96 1784 45bc b7f6 32dbf1f6144a

Luc Boegly

Recognized for his precise, well-crafted images that reveal the essence of architectural forms and spaces.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Luc Boegly, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Edmund Sumner 825a85cd cf06 4fff b20e d530b9502079

Edmund Sumner

Known for his striking, bold photographs that showcase the sculptural qualities of contemporary architecture.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Edmund Sumner, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Ake Eson Lindman 9f6ad65a 8b17 4cc6 ba3c 0f2cb05bb972

Åke E:son Lindman

Acclaimed for his crisp, minimalist images that highlight the clean lines and simplicity of Scandinavian design.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Åke E:son Lindman, --ar 3:2
a house Photographed by Nic Lehoux 9fa1de26 2eed 40e5 9e12 22573769adb8

Nic Lehoux

Celebrated for his evocative, cinematic photographs that explore the emotional impact of architectural spaces.

/imagine a house, Photographed by Nic Lehoux, --ar 3:2
a house Erieta Attali photography 69071757 7c97 4c93 9335 bfaa6cf16e26

Erieta Attali

Renowned for her atmospheric, moody images that reveal the poetic qualities of architecture in its natural environment.

/imagine a house, Erieta Attali photography, --ar 3:2 --seed 123

10 Blended Architecture Style Prompts

a house Pop Art Baroque architecture Baroque grandeur mi c5dbe255 65bd 4259 aa48 6e2eb94ce058

Pop Art Baroque

Baroque grandeur mixed with the bold, vibrant imagery of Pop Art, creating a visually striking style.

/imagine a house, Pop Art Baroque architecture, Baroque grandeur mixed with the bold, vibrant imagery of Pop Art, creating a visually striking style. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Sci Fi Romanesque architecture Romanesque style 978ead96 8aa7 4afa a5bf ab44ca9ab55f

Sci-Fi ROmanesque

Romanesque style fused with science fiction elements, resulting in a mix of historical and futuristic design.

/imagine a house, Sci-Fi Romanesque architecture, Romanesque style fused with science fiction elements, resulting in a mix of historical and futuristic design. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Roman Minecraft architecture Roman architectural 4d7d03c7 1510 4791 900f c27096e345cd

Roman Minecraft

Roman architectural style blended with the pixelated, blocky aesthetic of Minecraft.

/imagine a house, Roman Minecraft architecture, Roman architectural style blended with the pixelated, blocky aesthetic of Minecraft. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Studio Ghibli Minimalist architecture Minimalist 713322c5 3dd7 4753 b11d ba49b8105e5e

Studio Ghibli Minimalist

Minimalist architecture combined with the magical, captivating elements of Studio Ghibli films.

/imagine a house, Studio Ghibli Minimalist architecture, Minimalist architecture combined with the magical, captivating elements of Studio Ghibli films. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Afrofuturist Art Deco architecture Art Deco desi b05c294d 1d89 43fb a763 bb04321abbee

Afrofuturist Art Deco

Art Deco design combined with the vibrant, innovative elements of Afrofuturism.

/imagine a house, Afrofuturist Art Deco architecture, Art Deco design combined with the vibrant, innovative elements of Afrofuturism. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Polynesian Postmodern architecture Postmodern ar faabf590 cbb9 4a39 a79b dc2de18850b6

Polynesian Postmodern

Postmodern architecture mixed with the traditional, tropical elements of Polynesian culture.

/imagine a house, Polynesian Postmodern architecture, Postmodern architecture mixed with the traditional, tropical elements of Polynesian culture. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Tundra Streamline Moderne architecture Streamlin 3fd3c093 b121 45af 85a4 9d747605e52e

Tundra Streamline Moderne

Streamline Moderne style adapted to the cold, barren landscapes of the tundra. exterior, architecture photography.

/imagine a house, Tundra Streamline Moderne architecture, Streamline Moderne style adapted to the cold, barren landscapes of the tundra. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Mycelium Neoclassicism architecture Blends the s aa88db86 b6bb 43f5 b6ba 3bbb5e661fbc

Mycelium Neoclassicism

Blends the symmetrical layouts and classical elements of Neoclassicism with the intricate network structures of mycelium.

/imagine a house, Mycelium Neoclassicism architecture, Blends the symmetrical layouts and classical elements of Neoclassicism with the intricate network structures of mycelium. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Iceberg Deconstructivism architecture Integrates 83284534 799e 4545 9f63 b3e1c75952b3

Iceberg Deconstructivism

Integrates the fragmented forms of Deconstructivism with the angular, shifting shapes and reflective surfaces of icebergs.

/imagine a house, Iceberg Deconstructivism architecture, Integrates the fragmented forms of Deconstructivism with the angular, shifting shapes and reflective surfaces of icebergs. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2
a house Mushroom Gothic architecture Blends the pointed 0bfdd49b e4f8 4ae3 b954 1dd7f30cc510

Mushroom Gothic

Blends the pointed arches and ribbed vaults of Gothic architecture with the diverse, organic forms of mushrooms.

/imagine a house, Mushroom Gothic architecture, Blends the pointed arches and ribbed vaults of Gothic architecture with the diverse, organic forms of mushrooms. exterior, architecture photography, --ar 3:2

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